You know that the ONLY way to receive love is to be open. That battle begins internally. Oh! It's a ugly fight. You will find yourself in tears. The emotions that you once barred to just move on. It hits you like a brick. I know personally, I feel if I start crying I wouldn't stop. I wouldn't cry or you might have heard that you cry about everything. I see it now as your way to keep myself pure and cleansed when you cry. I challenge you to move the pain. I NEED you to open your heart. Here is a piece of work by
Mellanie Crouell entitled "Open My Heart".
Open My Heart
Mellanie Crouell
For years I open the
But I wouldn't let
anyone in
I would show love and
Just as I should
When it’s my turn
I shut down and push
him away
Now, I am battling
this fight
It’s time to let
someone in
Fear of hurt is
haunting me
Remembering the
pieces of me
Once swept away
Do I deserve this
Yes, you have to let
him inside
So, he can breathe
into me
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