
Thursday, April 19, 2012

I'm Home

  We all been in relationship in that you thought you met the right man or female. Time goes by, everything is good but then comes the cliff. Women and men came to a point that if we didn't go we knew where we are going to be. Unfortunately we wouldn't be as lucky like Madea. When I wrote "Making It Home" I was in a place that this relationship was going be forever. It didn't work out that way, it took a  bad turn. Now, I have part two for you. I hope this will rejuvenate  relationships. Please enjoy!!

Making It Home

I rest my head upon your bosom
I breathe according to your heartbeat
Every tear I shed is a testament to you
As I eat the bitter, sweet love making in your mind
Her sweet soft tones of intimates woes
Would make a man crave for her satisfaction
Gentle touching caressing his mescaline face
Her curves connecting to rough grip hands
His love swallows her with the pleasure
That she want for an eternity
"As we lay"the eternity turned into the next fifty years
A wish a hope upon a star did turn the wanted dream
It was full realty
More love and passion than this relationship have ever known
For the time we shared it gave me that feeling of home

Now I'm Home

I thought I made the feeling of home 
Learning to let it free years later
I'm a survivor 
Continuing to be afraid to love
Yes, let it free
I'm trying to fight my fear
Love has gently entered my heart
The open arms protect me with care
I hear the words
Let me love you
Now, you are home

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