
Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Response to Courageous

  Reading the comment to "Courageous", I know several women who raised boys, rather young men. Their sons turn out fine. They are successful educated with families. I'm not saying that. Maybe there is someone you feel can't raise boy into a man. What I've seen from my experience that if there wasn't a man in the household. These young men in today's society would turn to gangs, drugs,peer pressure,or any other downward path. You have young men who has that father in the house. That father teaches his son the right path, how to respect and honor a woman. That isn't the case in for a young man who have that father in the home, who isn't setting that example. This young man is facing the same path. If he decide to break the mold. He has to fight all type of negativity from his Father, Mother and relatives. This young man is own a journey by their self. For the young man that is looking for acceptance, guidance and love. The movie"Courageous" inspire and encourage men to step up to build a new generation of men. We have let enough fall by the waste side. I challenge all men to step up. You may ask what else can I do? I know you feel  I have enough on my plate. Sure, you do but take it another level at home. If you have a son or daughter have that individual time, find out what's on their mind. Yes, we all get tired. It our responsibility to protect this gift that has been given to us. If you do ask that question. The answer will present itself to you at the time you will  not look for it. I want to hear about your experience. Your experience will help someone else.


  1. I watched that movie out of curiosity, and I must have missed the part where the young man got out. It was a good movie. Yet, It was just that a good movie. It is only one story out of millions. See, what if the father was there; but he was a drug dealer who taught his son the business. He was home yet he didn't choose to go the path of god or to be like the men of the movie. You said that women can raise a male child to be a man. I myself believe that the woman is the first teacher of the child. There is a question to be asked. Why are so many man using the fact that their father is not home be an excuse? I'll tell you. It is movies like that one telling them this is your excuse for going wrong. It is women who feels because she has not found a man for herself who takes such movies and repeat the lies they made. I see that is not an excuse. Many of us men had Grandfathers, Older cousins, and Uncles. These men were there for them. It then becomes a conscious choice to be the type man they choose. Don't be confused by the lying excuse they called themselves provide for you. "Let me tell you of fears you can't get through and then offer a solution only I can show you the way!" by Blackpharro
    wow, we must began to strengthen our minds as men and women to see the truth of the lies they want us to use as excuses!

  2. Yes, Courageous is a great movie. No, the young man didn't get out of jail. I was using the scene as an example how young men goes to jail and don't know how to survive in society once they are release. Again, I will say that women has raised boys into young men. These young men are successful and doing great. Next, some young men do use that as an excuse that he didn't have a male figure in the home. I feel that every person has a choice. It is their responsibility to make the correct choices in life.
