
Saturday, May 5, 2012

My Opinion

   I know you are getting tired of hearing about Amendment One. Yesterday I voted. I will give my personal opinion on the law. On my post "For Your Information", I had a comment asking me the question am I for gay rights or children. Really, it's no body business. I will say that I have no right to judge anyone who is gay, straight or in between. I know what I was told to do by God. That is to treat people like I want to be treated and show love. 
I ask of you read this law before you go vote. The single women and Mother's who never been married or married but divorced. If you think you are struggling now. It is going to be HELL if this law is passed. Single women instead of waiting for Mr.Right you will be trying to find him. The politicians was very smart to use this issue of same sex  marriages to cause an up roar. The opportunity to keep gay partners from receiving same rights as a husband or wife in a legal marriage. If you think about it they have rights now married or not. They are a US Citizen just like you. Tell me what is the difference?
Yes, the churches are looking at the same sex marriages. We know what the Bible has taught the people of God. You want to stand by your morals fine. Don't be naive and hurt yourself trying to hurt someone else. I am not placed here on this earth to judge. I am here to use my gift/talents that I was given and help others. It don't matter if they gay, purple, green, Latino, Asian, etc. If I can help you I will that is my personal goal. I will leave this with you.
Would you hurt someone else because you can?


  1. Amen. You and I talked about this a bit. Same gender marriage is already illegal in NC. This law takes it a step too far by making it a constitutional amendment. I wouldn't have been in favor of the law and I am voting against the amendment. I a Christian. I am conservative. I am practicing my faith by loving others regardless of their life path. I am adhering to my conservative values by telling the government to stay the hell out of our personal lives. I have friends who are homosexual. They have never harmed anyone. One of the most loving and committed couples I know is a pair of men in Orlando Fla. They are respected members of their community, good neighbors and wonderful friends. God may judge them. I will not.

  2. Yes we did! I just want people to know what is facing them especially the women. I have homosexual friends too. They are very sweet people. Again it's not our place to judge, Thanks Allie.
